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About the program
The Recorder Karate program was created around 2002 by music teacher, Barb Philipak, from St. Louis, Missouri.
She dubs this as a "Highly Motivational Method for Young Players" and, honestly, she's right!
Lots of kids at Heritage got SUPER into learning the recorder because they love the idea of learning a skill that works toward a type of reward. This specific reward is linked to the very cool idea of mixing music and karate! When students reach a new level, they achieve a karate belt, in a very similar order to traditional karate colours.
The karate belt is actually none other than a colourful piece of yarn that is tied around the foot joint of their recorder. If a student doesn't have their own recorder, they will still get the yarn and can tie it on to anything they own, like the zipper on their backpack, a cool toy they have, or they can even make it into a bracelet!
The ultimate goal of recorder karate is not to get black belt, but to be constantly improving your ability to play and read music.
Our Heritage kids are awesome at this!