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Week 4


Let's get your BRAIN WORKING!


Did you know that MATH is MUSIC and MUSIC is MATH?


Check out the picture of this clock (a friend of mine shared it with me) and look at the Hours. 

They're not the USUAL hours, are they??


Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out HOW each hour is broken down.


For example, look where the 6 should be. There is a HALF NOTE and a WHOLE NOTE. The HALF NOTE is worth 2 beats and the WHOLE NOTE is worth 4 beats. Altogether, that makes 6 beats, and it's on the 6 o'clock spot!


(Hour 8 is tough, but once you figure out what that one is, it'll help you with some other ones too!)

music clock.jpg

Things you need to remember:


1. What numbers are on a clock

2. Note values (how many beats)

3. What the notes are called


Check out the Note Value Website for some helpful hints!



Your answer could look like this (but fill in the empty ones!):

1. 1 quarter note = 1 beat

2. # type of note




6. 1 half note (2 beats) + 1 whole note (4 beats) = 6 beats







Think you know how it works?

Post a comment below or email Miss Morris at with your answer!

When commenting, please make sure that you write your first name and last initial, and no pictures for now.

Like this: Liz M

Thanks everyone!

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